Ozonides are concentrated ozonided herb oil containing active Oxygen (O) with powerful healing abilities which contain Ozonides (Active Oxygen).
In the body active Ozygen eliminates anaerobic parasites as well as over-aged, diseased or cancerous cells (instigating apoptosis).
Ozonides transfer oxygen and change the environment in which anaerobic pathogenic germs live, making it aerobic.
This prevents anaerobic germs, such as Fungi, certain Bacteria, Clostridia, Chlamydia and Parasites from reproducing and, in fact, kills them.
The oil is surface-active and eliminates nests of fungi, bacteria, parasites and protosoans.
Anaerobes such as oxygen-sensitive fungi, yeast such as Candida, bacteria such as Clostridia, parasites and tumour cells can be controlled and their reproductive cycle stopped with Ozonides as these biological species have no or only limited defence machanism against oxygen.
Ozonide effectiveness:
Amoebiasis, Borreliosis (Tich Bite Fever), Rickettsia, Lyme disease, Brucellosis, Belharzia, Toxoplasmosis, Malaria, Tumours, Cancerous cells.
All anaerobic bacteria, e.g. – Staphylococcus, Clostridium, Actinomyces, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Salmonella, Vibrio, Bacteroides, Neisseria, Haemophilus, Helicobacter Pylori.
Oxygen sensitive fungi, e.g. – Candida, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma.
Penetrating fungi, e.g. – Aspergillus flavus, A.niger, Balstomyces, Coccodioides Pneumocystis.
Parasites, e.g. – Protozoan (single cells) Matazoens (multiple cells), Cryptosporidum Helminthi, Entamoaba, Taenia, Giardia Clonorchis, Leishamania Paragonimus, Plasmodium Schistisoma, Trichuris, Toxoplasma Nematoda, Trichmonas Enterobius, Filaria Ancylostoma, Necator Strongyloides, Toxocara Trichinella.
Virusses, e.g. – Dengue Fever, Parvo Toga, Parpova Flavi, Herpes Retro, Adeno Thabdo, Hepadna Arena, Picorna Reo (Rota), Orthomyxo Corona, Priones, Epstein-Barr, HPV (Papilloma).
Malaria Prophylaxis and Treatment with Ozonide Delta+
China dn the USA increasingly prepare and use Artimisinin for treatment and prophylaxis of Malaria. Artimisinin is the ingredient of the plant Artemsia vulgaris (Mugwort). It is a pernnial herb growing Europe, Asia, and North and South America. Artemisinin is an active oxygen of complex structure, which eliminates protozoans, like Malaria. German research has confirmed this, The product Ozonide, imported from Germany, contains this herb extract. The oil is taken internally. Any parasites entering the blood stream have little chance of survival. Thscent of this oil is eliminated via the skin, which keeps the anopheles musquito away, the cause of Malaria. However, as with other Malaria prophylaxis (also pharmaceutical/ chemical products), thise is no 100% guarantee that Malaria is prevented. As advised by Bio-Chemists, twice a day 7 drops of Ozonide taken with a glass of water about half an hour before breakfast and supper is sufficient as Malaria prophylaxis.
Ingredients: Concentrated oils of Wormwood (Artemesia absinthium), Mugwort (Artesmia vulgaris), Black Cumin, Clove, Walnut, Marjoram, Garlic 1.5%, Olive and Ricinus.