Why is it an important exercise?
Due to the unnatural work environment and stationary work that we are exposed to this could be an ideal way to get moving.
The MOST effective way to flush out your Lymphatic system, boost immunity and energy levels.
A whole body exercise where EVERY SINGLE CELL is rejuvenated and oxygenated (in your muscles, bones, eyes, heart, lungs, kidneys, ears, glands – everything!
Albert E Carter, Olympic athlete, journalist and lifelong rebound researcher has claimed that rebounding to be “THE MOST EFFECTIVE EXERCISE YET DEVISED BY MAN”
In just 2 minutes of rebounding – the entire lymphatic system is flushed out and the white blood cell count nearly triples, providing a greater defense system to destroy cancer cells. Linda Brooks – Certified Reboundologist, Authority on Rebound Exercise and author of many Health and Rebounding Books, including “Rebounding to Better Health”.
Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food