Gary Martin, ND. AFAIM, Founder & CEO of Living Valley Health Retreat
Johan Jacobs is indeed a pioneer who has done humanity a great favour in producing and publishing this masterpiece, ‘Go Natural’. Johan has studied many reputable books and essentially condensed the most important and relevant health information, combined with his own personal case study, into one powerful volume for us.
This book is the logical starting point for every household. It is indeed an ESSENTIAL GUIDE for “DIS-EASE” free living.” It is my view that ‘GO NATURAL’ should be in every school curriculum. I encourage you to read this book from cover to cover. It is full of treasures and truths that will enhance your life. ‘GO NATURAL’ will teach you how to remove the root cause of “DIS-EASE” and experience the miracle of natural healing. ‘GO NATURAL’ will change your life. Your children will develop to their full potential. Imagine – no more sickness, no more pain, abundant energy, mental clarity, success!
As a Naturopathic Doctor, I agree with Johan – ‘sickness’ is no accident. Johan exposes the hidden health landmines, or deceptions, that fuel the modern “DIS-EASE” pandemic, while teaching the readers how to take responsibility for their own health.
At the back of ‘GO NATURAL’ you will find scrumptious recipes using living ingredients. You will even learn how to create super foods, including nutrient-rich, guilt-free chocolates.
Imagine yourself enjoying all the fun of youth, when in your eighties and nineties. It is indeed possible if you study GO NATURAL and implement this diet and lifestyle in your life. Remember, the body is made by design to win. Care for it now and it will care for you, so that your long life can indeed be blessed throughout every single day.
Gary Martin ND. AFAIM.
Founder & CEO
Living Valley Health Retreat
Noosa Hinterland,
Laetitia Jacobs 2017-08-28
It is an honour to endorse this outstanding book, Go Natural – Wisdom for Healthy Living!
Through the years I have bought many books about health but as far as I am concerned this book is the most comprehensive. All topics are covered and the fact that everything is combined in ONE book, makes it an easy to use source of reference. It is easy to read and to the point. I also think that people who are not informed about certain health issues, will find it easy to understand.
What makes this book unique is that it is includes Christian principles, faith and the role that it plays in our healing – the book starts and ends with honouring and thanking God, Christ and the Bible. Another special aspect is how Johan refers to the huge contribution his wife has made towards his journey of healing.
I believe that every home should have a copy of this valuable book and, as an educationalist, I think that it should be part of the curriculum in our schools since there is a huge gap in educating and sharing information about healthy living. Everyone yearns for quality of life and to function optimally in their jobs, but without health it is not possible.
Thank you, Johan, for sharing with us your story and the highly specialised information you have gathered on your journey to recovery. You make it easy for us to be well informed about important health issues and how to live a healthy life.
To everyone who is interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle: PLEASE BUY THIS BOOK!
Dis vir my ‘n groot plesier om my indrukke van hierdie besonderse boek, Go Natural – Wisdom for Healthy Living, te gee.
Ek het verskriklik baie gesondheidsboeke wat ek deur die jare aangeskaf het en wat my betref is hierdie by verre die mees omvattende van almal. Daar is net mooi geen onderwerp wat nie aangeraak word nie en dis alles in net EEN boek, wat baie gerieflik is. Dit lees baie gemaklik en is op die man af. Ek dink ook dat mense wat nie goed ingelig is wat gesondheid betref nie, dit maklik verstaanbaar sal vind.
Wat wonderlik is, is die feit dat hierdie boek deurweef is met geloof en die rol wat dit speel in ons genesing – die boek begin en eindig met erkenning en dank aan God, Christus en die Bybel. Dis ook spesiaal dat Johan telkemaal verwys na sy vrou se ongelooflike bydrae in die pad wat hy geloop het.
Geen huis behoort sonder hierdie waardevolle boek te wees nie en as ‘n oud-onderwyseres sou ek sê dat hierdie boek beslis deel behoort te wees van die kurrikkulum in ons skole – daar is ‘n groot leemte wat betref die opvoeding en inligting wat gesondheid betref! Ons almal smag na goeie lewenskwaliteit en ons almal wil optimaal funksioneer in ons beroepe, maar sonder gesondheid is dit nie moontlik nie!
Baie dankie, Johan, dat jy jou storie met ons deel, en ook al die hoogs gespesialiseerde inligting wat jy op jou pad teegekom het. Dit maak dit vir ons almal baie makliker om op hoogte te wees van die belangrikste gesondheidskwessies en van hoe om gesond te leef!!
Aan almal wat enigsins belangstel in ‘n gesonde leefstyl: KOOP ASSEBLIEF HIERDIE BOEK!
To Johan and family,
It is not often that one gets so into a book, that they cannot put it down.
Johan, your personal testimony, incredible amount of research wrapped around Truth, did it for me.
I really want to congratulate you for this Labour of love, your obedience and boldness.
My prayer is that you and your family grow from strength to strength as you shine a true lifestyle in a very confused and uninformed world.
May Our Father extend your tentpegs beyond your wildest imagination.
Now to get stuck into those yummy recipes.
Love and Blessings
Marc Roman
Bethlehem, House of Bread
I’m already a third of the way through the book….I’m amazed at how much I have taken for granted in the past….I am learning so much! Thank you to the two of you, for sharing your journey with us! May your work be blessed and may the knowledge we gain from it, make life-changing differences!
Kind regards,
Jou boek is stunning. Baie mooi. Lots of revelation. Though I already thought I know a lot. It was nothing compared to the gain of knowledge now.
Thanks fir this great service to all people and God’s people. To give all independence and freedom.
Just to let you know.
Geniet die tyd verder. Ons praat weer.
Julia Vanderwal
Dera Johan and your team,
Andrew and I spent some time in your shop in Somerset West a couple of weeks ago and I bought 3 of your books which you signed for me. I am now in jo’burg and would like ro purchase another 3. Is there anywhere here where I can purchase them? Also I’d like to send one to a very good friend of mine in the USA.
With the postal service out of action I’m not sure what is the best.
Thanks for an amazing book. I’ve hardly been able to put it down. It is so informative and makes perfect sense.
Best of health
Julia and Andrew
Julia Vanderwal
Hallo Johan
My naam is Inette. Ek, en my man Ulrich het verlede week begin om jou boek “Go Natural” te lees. Ons het 5 gekoop wat ons vir mense uitgedeel het, en ek wens ek het meer gekoop! Ons kan die boek nie neersit nie en ons het onmiddellik, Saterdag, ‘n waterdistilleerder en ‘n meul gekoop by jou winkel(Ons het nog net die eerste paar hoofstukke gelees!)…spaar nog vir die Juicer!
Maandagoggend het ek wakker geword met ‘n baie erge keelseer. Ek was sommer moeilik daaroor oor, want dit sou die 5de keer die jaar wees wat ek siek word! Net na 48uur van geen preserveermiddels, suiwer water, varsgemaalde graan, en geen geproseseerde suiker en ‘n bietjie hop op die rebouncer, voel ek vandag die gesondste wat ek nog ooit in my lewe gevoel het!
Dit voel vir my asof ek die grootste geheimenis in die lewe ontdek het! Ek kan myself net indink hoeveel frustrasie dit vir jou moet wees om hierdie geheimenis te ken en dit nie gou genoeg vir die wereld daar buite te kan vertel nie. Ek is onsettend dankbaar vir jou boek en die wysheid wat die Here aan jou openbaar het.
Ek het net 2 vrae op my hart:
- Weet jy van ‘n tandarts in die Kaap-omgewing wat “cavitations” met die regte metode kan toemaak? Ek het 8!
- Waar kry jy jou vars rou koeimelk? Weet jy van ‘n betroubare produsent? As ek kon, sou ek ‘n koei hier in Panorama in die agterplaas laat wei het, maar die grasperk is bietjie klein.
Dankie vir jou tyd en weereens dankie vir jou boek!
Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food