Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food
Rulani Visser - Aug 2019
I attended the Workshop at your home on Wednesday. It was super insightful! It is crazy to realise how ignorant we are when it comes to how our bodies work. How our bodies have been created with the ability to self-heal and that we need to give our bodies all the necessary building blocks in order for it to do so. I am extremely grateful that I have the privilege of being exposed to these truths so early in my life. We must learn to steward our bodies with wisdom and discernment – I am so excited to read your book! I also look forward to implementing what I have learnt in my life. I love that this new lifestyle of eating whole foods is simple enough to incorporate piece-by-piece. Thank you for showing us, in a very practical way, that there is HOPE and that normal people, with normal, busy programs, are able to implement these permanent life-style changes. I am so grateful.
Anna Harrington 26 April 2019
Best health seminar and education workshop I have attended! Real life experience and real living food - what a combination! Thanks to Johan's persistence and TWO women I met at these seminars, I decided to remove my root canal capped teeth and clean out my cavitations. It took almost 4 months for a turnaround in my health, but then I just went from weakness, ill-health, persistent cancer to health and strength. Thank-you Johan! Bless you and Go Natural - the best advice I received!
Angela du Toit
I attended the November workshop and was pleased to learn how to make essene bread, hummus, kefir and chocolates. I have tried the recipes at home and found them very easy to do and they are now part of our daily diet. Thank you so much for the uplifting atmosphere and your willingness to pass on your knowledge and help people achieve a healthy lifestyle. It was a very encouraging course to do, and reminded me of how important it is to get the basics right. Highly recommend this course!!
Liezl Vos
I had been reading Johan’s articles in the Joy! magazine regularly, not because I was ill but because it is interesting content about how to live a healthy life, naturally. Later I also bought Johan’s book Go Natural – Wisdom for Healthy Living, and started reading the sections that interested me.
One morning I woke up with double vision. It lasted for a few days and I realised I had to get a professional opinion. After three days in hospital where a CT scan, MRI and various blood tests were done, the neurologist diagnosed Ocular myasthenia gravis (MG). He informed me that if I became ill enough, I could receive treatment but that the condition was incurable.This diagnosis upset me, and I decided to read Johan’s story about having MS since it is also an auto-immune illness. I read that he also had double vision and was only diagnosed with MS after two years, that every auto-immune illness is a “dis-eases” and not a “disease”, in other words it can be cured with the correct information and taking the necessary steps.
The next step was to attend one of Johan’s workshop/seminars in Somerset West. A friend of mine with Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) decided to join me and we booked our flights to the Cape.
Both of us are so thankful that we were able to attend the event! So much made sense afterwards and we had new courage for our journey ahead. Firstly, I make radical changes in my family’s diet and eating habits. The next step is to have all my root canals and fillings removed. It is shocking that we are so uninformed about the damage this can cause.
I am thankful to Johan and his wife, Alicia, for the time and effort they put into informing people about the road to recovery. It is a pity that people often first get ill before they start looking for answers. It is my opinion that EVERYONE should read the book and attend a workshop/seminar, whether they have been diagnosed with an illness or not.
Liezl Vos
Ek het gereeld Johan se artikels in die Juig! tydskrif gelees, nie omdat ek sieklik was nie maar omdat dit interesantte leesstof is oor hoe om gesond te lewe op ‘n natuurlike manier. Later het ek Johan se boek, Go Natural – Wisdom for Healthy Living, gekoop en die gedeeltes begin lees waarin ek belangstel.
Een oggend word ek wakker en sien alles dubbel. Dit het voortgeduur vir ‘n paar dae en ek het besef dat ek ‘n professionele opinie moes kry. Na drie dae in die hospitaal waar ‘n CT scan, MRI en baie bloed toetse gedoen is, diagnoseer die neuroloog, Ocular myasthenia gravis (MG). Hy het my ingelig dat indien ek siek genoeg word, ek behandeling kan ontvang maar dat die kondisie ongeneeslik is.Hierdie diagnose het my ontstel, daarom het ek Johan se storie oor sy MS gaan lees aangesien MS ook ‘n outo-immune siekte is. Ek lees toe raak dat hy ook ‘n dubbelvisie probleem gehad het en eers twee jaar daarna met MS gediagnoseer is, dat elke outo-immune siekte ‘n “dis-ease” is en nie ‘n “disease” nie, met ander woorde dat dit oorkom kan word met die regte inligting en stappe.
Die volgende stap was om een van Johan se werkswinkel/seminare by te woon in Somerset-Wes. ‘n Dierbare vriendin met Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) nooi haarself saam en ons bepreek vlugte Kaap toe.
Hoe dankbaar was ons altwee om die geleentheid te kon bywoon! Soveel dinge het meer sin gemaak en ons het ook moed gekry vir die pad vorentoe. Eerstens het ek drastiese veranderings in ons hele gesin se diet en eetgewoontes aangebring. Die volgende stap is om my wortelkanale en stopsels te laat verwyder. Dit is skokkend dat ons so oningelig is oor hoeveel skade dit kan verrig.
Ek is dankbaar teenoor Johan en sy vrou, Alicia, vir die tyd en moeite wat hul afstaan om ander mense in te lig oor die pad na genesing. Dis net jammer dat mense eers moet siek word voor hulle begin soek na antwoorde. Na my mening behoort ALMAL die boek te lees en ‘n seminar/werkswinkel by te woon, of hulle met ‘n siekte gediagnoseer is of nie.
Liezl Vos
I attended your workshop two weeks ago. I hereby would like to thank both of you for an informative and great morning. Your story was very interesting and I loved the recipe part, with the chocolate being my favourite. I have since made it often and it is enjoyed by all at home.
I have also bought your book and am busy reading it currently. It is very insightful. Thank you both for making these workshops available to us. I will definitely join again.
Gert Visser
Johan’s Go-Natural workshop is highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their overall well-being and who wants to learn from someone who has walked the talk and succeeded with distinction.
Estelle Grix – Werkswinkel 7 Desember 2016
Go Natural se werkswinkel, gehou op 7 Desember 2016 was geloofwaardig, uiters interessant en opbouend. Ons is bekend gestel aan informasie wat nie geredelik aan ons deurgegee word deur die media en tydskrifte nie.
Die inligting is egter van kardinale belang vir ons gesondheid en die van ons kinders – die volgende generasie!
Die praktiese kookles met lewendige bestandele is met smaak, asook op ‘n ontspanne wyse deurgegee aan diegene teenwoordig.
Daar is ook baie “scope” gegee vir relevante vrae ensomeer.
Dankie Johan, ek sal jou demonstrasie hoog aanbeveel.
Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food